See Wiki


The world of SEE contains a complex civilization that developed following the loss of sight . Humanity's newfound, universal blindness made profound changes to society, culture, technology and industry.

Unsighted Government[]

Government seems to be mostly tribal in nature. There are a few more sophisticated nations like Payan and Trivantes, a constitutional monarchy and republic, respectively. Given their ability to outmaneuver and outfight the Trivantians on even terms, the Ganites must be at least as sophisticated a society as their foes; though the precise nature of the form of their government is presently unknown.

Unsighted Religion[]

In the religion of the unsighted, in Payan at least, sex and orgasms are a form of prayer, the ultimate sensory experience in a sightless world. For Queen Kane, masturbation is part of a religious routine. Religious persecution of so-called heresy and blasphemy which covers ,belief or opinion contrary to the nations' orthodox religious doctrine; . In Payan the idea of vision is an example, People who posses actual vision are viewed as witches and punished accordingly. This is shown by various people shouldered the mere suspicion of having sight being hunted down and burned at stake by Payan's Military, the Witchfinders.

Unsighted Architecture[]

With the exception of some intact ruins the of the old world, largely used as palaces by the highborn of Payan located Pennsa and Kanzua in this case, a pre-plague mansion and hydroelectric dam with electricity respectively, the common people largely live in tents, huts, and thatched cabins.

Unsighted Abilities[]

Many strange and wondrous superhuman abilities in absence of sight. These include what are known as presages, scientiers, ayuras and shadows.

An Ayura is someone with an enhanced sense of hearing and an extrasensory ability to hear lies.

A Presage was someone with an extrasensory ability to feel emotions and intentions to sense what’s coming.

A Scentier is someone naturally born with an acute scene of smell — an ability often enhanced by training — and with physical modifications and adornments like raised tattoos or embedded seashells.

A Shadow is someone with the power to be very close to someone without them knowing or recognizing the presence of the Shadow. This includes ayuras and other people with examples of unsighted abilities.

Unsighted Writing[]

The Payan and Trivantian written language of the time uses strings or ropes tied in a series of different kinds of knots, with various spacings, to form words and ideas. Smaller strings are often used to send messages, like a letter.

The Payan constitution is a prime example of such writing.

Unsighted Warfare[]

War is fought mostly in melee combat and brawling using medieval-style close combat weaponry, though the the Trivantes have bows and arrows and later crossbows, People with enhanced unsighted senses like Presages, Scentiers, Ayuras, and presumably some Shadows frequently work together in and outside of conflict, to assess a situation. In many cases they are an invaluable part of Unsighted military strategy.

Martial arts[]

Alkenny warriors in particular have kill-dancers. These combatants are adept in a martial art, known as Killing Dance . the art requires skill in the use of Killing Ropes.

Unsighted Clothing[]

Clothing seems to made of scavenged materials like debris. Some newly crafted clothing exists as seen by the silk clothing of the Payan nobility sourced from Cutter's slave-labour-led operation at the City of Worms.

Unisighted Science and Technology[]

The nations of the known world in the wake of the catacylsmic plague are largely at an Iron Age to Medieval level of science and technology. This is due to blindness robbing people of the ability to build, maintain and operate advanced technology despite books and functioning or at least repairable devices being in abundance.

Specific Nations[]

The Payans have some level of light industry, with a silk manufacturing operation near the capital catering to the highborn royalty and nobility. The Payans also have enough knowledge of medicine to have professional physicians, like Lord Unoa.

The Trivantian Republic has a similar Iron Age/Middle Ages level civilisation similar to the Payan but slighly more developed military science and technology including the use of siege engines like battering rams and the more frequent use of ranged weaponry. As well, the Trivantians also have more developed medical knowledge than the Payans as evidenced by Tormada. As noted below, the Trivantians have retained the practice of science as an occupation. Tormada, a medical scientist and chief science officer of the Trivantian military, in particular, was engaged in unethical human experimentation in an attempt to restore sight to the unsighted.

Advanced technology among the Unsighted[]

From pre apocalyptic times, the Kanzua Hydroelectic Dam is one of the only places in the world where electricity and accompanying technology and devices were still functioning. the Dam itself had enough power generation, transmission and distribution equipment functioning to power a record player which was used as an exclusive luxury by Queen Sibeth Kane. Beyond this the technology level is largely Medieval/Iron Age as is the case the other societies adjacent to Payan.

After the Trivantians took over Jerlamarel's House of Enlightenment they gained access to one of the last bastions of modern knowledge and technology from before the collapse. They are making use of this resource by putting Jerlamarels's children, particularly Olomon as an engineer to work as scientists as well as bringing in their own research teams led by Tormada. In particular they wish to make use of the library and armory of pre-apocalypse weaponry. Oloman recently developed a chemical explosive, the concept of which seemed to be entirely new to the Trivantians, judging by the shocked and awestruck expression of Tormada when it exploded.

With the reluctant help of an enslaved Oloman and his sighted family Tormada manufactured hundreds of bombs out of coal to win the war with neighboring states and make a play for domination of the post apocalyptic world. Though Tormada and his men suffered a huge setback to their ambitions as they later lost the House of Enlightenment to fire, and the the enslaved, sighted bomb-makers escaped to freedom; the chief scientist's personal faction of Trivantians managed to secure a sizable number of finished bombs and salvage an otherwise devastating fiasco.

Unsighted Occupatiions[]

Trivantes has professional scientists.

Trivantes, Payan, and other sophisticated cultures also have other specialists such as physicians.

In addition to tribal warriors there are also the more disciplined and well trained soldiers of various nations' military units.
